Jumat, 18 September 2015


8:59 PM


 Education is long-range human resource invesment which have strategic value to continuity of civilization of human being in world. On that account, hamper all State place education variable as especial and important something that in context development of state and nation. So also Indonesia place education as especial and important something that. This matter can be seen from content Opening of UUD 1945 paragraph of IV affirming that one of target of Indonesian nation national is to educate life of nation.
One of the important component in education is teacher. Learn in education context have strategic and big role. This matter is caused to learn residing in line of terdepan in execution of education. Learn direct deal with educative participant for the menstransfer of technology and science at the same time educate with positive values pass/through byword and tuition. Thereby learn to have heavy duty and mission, but glorify in sending new generation of the nations atop dream of. Therefore, it is on the right track to learn teacher have interest related to duty and responsibility his/its.


A.    Islamic Educational Teachers For a Good Example
Basically behavior changes can be shown to be influenced by the students' educational background and experience acquired by a teacher. Or in other words, teachers have an influence on students' behavior changes. To that teacher should be a role model (a fine example) for the learners, as teachers are basically a representation of a group of people in a community or society are expected to be role models, who can be a role model.
A very influential teacher of learning outcomes that can be represented by participants proteges. Therefore, when a person wants to become a professional teacher then it should it can always improve academic knowledge and practical insight through broadband or up grading tiered education or training and who are in service training to colleagues counterpart. Changes in the way teachers can teach exercised through increased ability to teach up to old habits can be less effective immediately detected and eliminated slowly. For that , it needs the habit changes in the way teachers teach is hoped will affect the way students learn, among them the following.
1.      Zooms common way to teach new teachers (teacher candidates) who quickly feel satisfied in presenting information to teach many (talk) and too dominating and learning activities of the students.
2.      Teachers let act as directors, coaches, facilities providers to provide a range of learning facilities, providers of assistance to participants who have learning difficulties, and the creator of the conditions that stimulate and challenge learners to think and work (to do).
3.      Changing than just lecture method with different variations of the method that is more relevant to the purpose of learning, participants learn how to minimize the norm of the new feel satisfied if a lot to learn and listen and receive information (lecture) teacher, or teacher if there is a new study.

B.     Personality PAI Good Teacher
"Exemplary be able to develop relationships, improve credibility, and increase the influence".
One of the important aspects that directly or indirectly influence the success of a teacher in menjankan duty factor is personality. Personality that will determine whether a teacher will be good educators and builders for their students, or are going to be a spoilsport or crusher for future siswanya. Personality factors will increasingly define its role in undergraduate minor and who are experiencing keguncangan soul.
As a teacher of Religious Education teacher PAI has the appropriate personality all aspects of life is "uswatun hasanah". Private teacher is uswatun hasanah (homemaker good example). Then the characteristics of a teacher who had great personality are:
1.      Piety to Allah
Teachers, according to the purpose of Islamic education knowledge, educate unlikely protege to fear Allah, if he himself did not fear him. Because it is a model for their students as Messenger. Being a role model for his people. The extent to which teachers are able to give a good example to all of their students, as far as it gave us predicted it would be fruitful to educate them to become the next generation of good and honorable people .

2.      Moral noble
Important teacher morals in character education of the students. Teachers should be role models, because children love to imitate nature. Among the goals of education that is shaping the moral character of the students in private self and this can only be done if the private moral teacher anyway. Teachers may not immoral trusted to educate.
The meaning of good character in the science of Islamic education is an appropriate moral teachings of Islam, as exemplified primary educator, the Prophet Muhammad. Activities teach / educate their attitude is very important. Successful completion of this lesson is determined by the nature and attitude of teachers.
3.      Fair, honest and objective
Fair, honest and objective in dealing with and also assess students in the teaching-learning process is to be done by the teacher. These properties must be supported by and upholding moral values ​​and social values ​​derived from cultural and community life learning experience obtained. Do not let the teacher do an act of unfair, dishonest and subjective. Negative action like this would not only not be done by a teacher in relation to the activities of educating, but also when it is in life.
4.       Disciplined in carrying out
Emerging discipline of life habits in daily life, one way to improve the discipline that is the proper way to learn, and to love and appreciate his work. Discipline is part of the mentality and has habitually that must be built with a foundation of love and affection. Culture of discipline will not materialize while the teacher thus often break. Teachers should be role models for their students one of them as a figure who can dicontoh in the case of discipline.
5.      Ductile and hard work
Tenacity in diligent work tirelessly and selflessly, these are things that should belong to a private teacher of performing sehinngga program outlined in the curriculum set running as it should.
6.      Authoritative
The authority should belong to the teacher, because the integrity of the teaching-learning process will be well implemented, discipline, and order. Thus not only obey authority and conform to the regulations in accordance with what is described by the teacher.
C.    Criteria Ideal Teacher In Islamic Perspective
Important criteria is formulated as a teacher educator role fital. In the process of learning the position and the strategic role of teachers, so the pattern and quality of Islamic education in general can be measured by looking at the quality of the instructors. In general, the task of empowering educators in Islam is the subject of the development of the students. Teachers not only work menstransfer knowledge, but also much of the knowledge transfer that is at once the values ​​of the most important of them is the moral values ​​of Islam.
Teachers have a very respectable position, because of the heavy responsibilities and glory. As a teacher it can determine or at least influence the subject 's personality of the students. Even good teachers not only affect the individual, but also be able to lift and meluhurkan degree a people. He commanded a people so that some of them are pleased to deepen knowledge and be a good teacher.
Teachers bring trust to the intellectual life of godlike beings and worship and obey him honorable. Due to the high responsibility which it claimed to have certain requirements are well connected with professional competencies, pedagogic, social, and personality.
The glory of the teacher, Muhammad Al - Abrasyi Athiyyah, providing ideal conditions criteria that should be owned by educators so that it can be a good teacher, that:
a.       Asceticism and sincere,
b.      Clean inner and outer,
c.       Mild, patient, and able to handle themselves,
d.      Nature fatherly or motherly (adult), and
e.       Know and understand well learners (both individually and collectively).

Although the actual task to establish personal personal learners become noble, noble, has the values ​​expected by the community is the responsibility of all teachers without exception, however, PAI teacher who became the forefront in carrying out this mandate. As the name implies, a teacher of Islamic education, then it should be a teacher PAI teacher who is able to provide exemplary-a good example, as it teaches the religion of Islam, so that from this example will radiate authority-authority that is sublime and noble that can be imitated by learners. One thing that is very ironic if PAI teacher as learner-forming learners who do right, noble and polite but barakhlak PAI teachers themselves do not have the criteria that should be there according to the title is teacher of Islamic education.

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